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Travel Tip Tuesday #43 – How to Make an Emergency Collar Stay while Traveling

How to Make an Emergency Collar Stay while Traveling - Travel Tip Tuesday 43

Our Travel Tip Tuesday tip of the week comes by inspiration from Johnny Jet, the prodigious travel blogger, who reminded me of a similar trick I’ve used when traveling and in a desperate need of a collar stay.

Each Tuesday we share a unique or interesting travel tidbit so be sure to read all of the preceding Travel Tip Tuesday’s here

Travel Tip Tuesday #43 – Emergency Collar Stays while Traveling

As I mentioned in the opening, this week’s Travel Tip is inspired by Johnny Jet who shared a tip one of his reader’s recently used when he was missing a collar stay for his shirt.

As  you can see, the reader used a broken q-tip as an emergency collar stay. Pretty nifty.

I’ve never done that, but it reminded me of some of the tips I’ve used over the years when missing a collar stay or when one might be broken. I have fashioned my own collar stays from various materials before including scissors and cutting up a business card or using the cardboard back of a hotel notepad.

I’ve even tried (unsuccessfully) to use a metal hanger that I’d brought my dry cleaning on…yeah that was dumb.

What I now do is buy a bulk order of collar stays and then throw a few spares in my backpack in case I need them in a pinch. The MacGuyver method is more fun…but not nearly as professional.

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Christmas is just around the corner…we’ve got you covered in our 2019 Holiday Gift Guide for Travelers….you are welcome.

The Christmas gift guide for travelers

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