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The Traveller’s First Aid Kit – the savvy road warrior is always prepared

The Traveller's First Aid Kit - the savvy road warrior is always prepared 1

If you travel for work on a regular basis (like I do), your body will experience all kinds of interesting aches, pains, sicknesses, etc. Over the years I’ve developed a business traveller’s first aid kit of sorts that I carry with me on all of my business trips. This travel first aid kit has saved my bacon several times!

My travel first aid kit contains the essentials for dealing with any number of minor (and some major) medical “stuff” that might come up for the business traveler while grinding it out on the road. I highly recommend that any serious business traveler build one and keep it in your bag!

In this article I share some of the common issues travelers might deal with and make some suggestions on what to put in your traveller’s first aid kit.

By the way, the tips provided here apply fairly equally to leisure traveller’s too…but as a I road warrior I’ve tuned them a bit towards the business traveler. 

Maladies the Business Traveler Might Face from Time to Time

As a road warrior there are a variety of maladies that you might encounter. Here are some common ones:

These are, of course, on top of any unique medical conditions you might personally be dealing with (e.g. something chronic or ongoing).

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I’ve personally dealt with every single one of these issues (except the female medical issues, obviously) at one time or another. In addition to some of those issues I’ve also dealt with a few other unique medical issues while traveling for work inducing:

This guide to creating the perfect business traveller’s first aid kit is only for the more common medical issues that might arise. I’ve left the heavy stuff aside as they require special provisions (and often doctor’s input).

Speaking of Doctors…I am not one. The advice I provide here is not medically approved and is based on my own personal experiences (and thus, is common sense…). Always consult a medical professional. 

Business Traveller’s First Aid Kit

The business traveller’s first aid kit is based on the principles of being prepared and traveling light. The below list provides a veritable cornucopia of medical essentials to stock your first aid kit with – without going overboard and without traveling too heavy.

I don’t carry the following items unless I happen to be dealing with them at the time I am traveling:

Don’t forget: Make sure you are aware of the TSA regulation (3-1-1) on liquids and avoid liquid medicine if you can (it can spill, too). And make sure to stay current on any TSA regulations regarding traveling with prescription drugs too.

By the way, you might like the following articles on Healthy Travel that we’ve put together here at the CBoardingGroup:

How to store your Business Traveller’s First Aid Kit

The list above might seem huge. But in reality, it’s not. And that’s because I don’t bring the whole container with me. Just enough for the trip. A few of each key element and then properly packing it is the key here.

Speaking of assembling and packing all of this, here’s a few ideas on how to store your business traveller’s first aid kit:

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A few other important thoughts on the business traveller’s first aid kit

Final thoughts on the Business Traveller’s First Aid Kit

If you’ve ever spent any time on the road as a serious business traveler you know how tough things can get. A nasty cold, some food poisoning, or a migraine can turn a trip sour really quick. Use this list of items to build your perfect Business Traveler’s First Aid Kit.

What did we miss? What’s your favorite “first aid” item that I didn’t cover? Tweet us or drop a comment, below

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And, of course, if you are interested in more travel tips and travel advice, you might like these great articles:

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