Home » Funny: Here’s what life is like when you are dating a pilot
A flight attendant shares a funny video of what it's like to date a pilot and it's got us in stitches. Trust us, you'll like it.

Funny: Here’s what life is like when you are dating a pilot

by Jeremy B

A flight attendant shares a funny video of what it’s like to date a pilot and it’s got us in stitches. Trust us, you’ll like it.

Workplace romances are always dangerous but one couple is taking a run at it. Flight attendant @noellecors is a Chicago-based flight attendant who also runs a travel blog called TheDailyDeparture.com. She also runs a popular TikTok channel @noellecors and it’s here where she posts a variety of travel-related videos, some of which are kind of funny.

In the course of her work and travels she’s started dating a pilot and the unnamed man is featured in some of her videos. It’s unclear if they actually work at the same airline, but it would certainly seem so. And who cares, right? As long as they follow the applicable HR policies we are sure it will be just fine.

They are a cute couple but the realities of dating people who live the kinds of lives that pilots and flight attendants do are unusual, to say the least. Crazy hours, lots of hotels, lots of short stays in destinations, and more.

One video that tickled our funny bone shows the less sexy parts of dating a pilot: he’s always leaving. Watch and enjoy.

How about you? Have you dated a pilot or flight attendant? What were some of the practical realities ya’ll dealt with? Some of the benefits? Drop us a comment below.

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