A Facebook post describing multiple ways for a woman to “snag” a husband from the 1950s has gone viral for all the wrong reasons. It also offers several travel-related tips on the subject including a very unique one that involves an airport shuttle. Is this the game changer your love life needs?
By now we all know the 1950s was a lawless den of misogynistic and sexist buffoonery. If you doubt us simply watch Mad Men, or google “1950s advertisements for women” and get your shock on (and some laughter at some of its absurdity).
A Facebook post from a woman who purchased a 1950s McCall’s magazine because it offered “129 Ways To Get A Husband” has gone viral for its list of interesting and shocking ways to snag your man (as if that concept alone wasn’t offensive enough).
For example, the author posits that being friendly to ugly men is a clutch way to score yourself a husband or get lost at football games. Or be sure to wear high heels all the time and get a sunburn.
The author also suggests there are some methods that women can use to nab their guy at the airport or while traveling.

A panel of sixteen “experts” including a stewardess (these days known as a flight attendant) gathered to discuss how women can increase their chances of getting hitched.

These so-called experts used a revolutionary concept known as “brainstorming” to generate 129 ways to get a husband.

The article makes its way around the internet every few years including this viral Facebook post.
A snippet of some of the advice is noted below including hot tips like not taking a job in a company largely run by women or being nice to everyone on the off chance they have an eligible bachelor somewhere.

However, the travel-related advice for finding your guy has us cackling a little.
For example, #12 suggests that women should get a job as a stewardess because of very high marriage rates. I don’t know if this is true or not, but it’s an interesting thought.

Number 29 suggests that when traveling be sure to stay in small hotels where it’s easier to meet strangers. Or #42 (not pictured) says to ask the bellboy to page you when staying at a resort.

But the piece de resistance is #119 which suggests ladyfolk should ride the airport shuttle back and forth (presumably in hopes of snagging a business traveler).

What do we think, dear reader? Is this good advice? Has anyone ever met a partner on an airport shuttle? Probably not if it was a Hertz shuttle that’s for sure…
Images reference: McCall’s Magazine, as shared via Facebook
Not sexist. Men look for wives, too. I do admit that some of the later tips are crazy, like 116, paint your name and number on a roof.
What a clown opener. Oh, “we all know” that, eh? And if we don’t watch that, we can find a true representation of history by watching a TV dramedy? Who knew?
Got it, Mac.
“By now we all know the 1950s was a lawless den of misogynistic and sexist buffoonery. If you doubt us simply watch Mad Men”
Lighten up, Francis.
Oh, and don’t the couple in the ad look happy? Who looks happy today, though? Everyone today is all angry, all the time. Great improvement!
“Be nice to everybody” seems like a pretty good advice to anyone in any situation. It is a pretty solid philosophy of life in general. I wish I could say I always followed it.
A little bit of proofreading would go a long way here.
Obviously tongue in cheek. What’s obnoxious is overly sensitive people in the 2020s who can’t tell humor when they see it.
My parents were introduced by a “stewardess†in 1961. Stewardess was married but saw my future dad (~35 y.o.) regularly on a flight he took for business. My future mom was single and about 31 y.o., living near his home airport. Stewardess introduced them and the rest is history. For the record, the marriage didn’t go very well.
I’m single travel abroad and local often while well dressed and gets Nothing! So I’m not putting my eggs in this basket
I’m married, travel a lot, modestly dressed and get hit on all the time.
I think this is funny:) ,what isn’t funny is how stuffed up the author is in response to the article, laughing off the 50’s as a misogynistic, backwards time…. regardless of some faults the 50’s were WAY MORE MORAL and real than the sensitive touchy society we live in today
The 50s were more moral? A decade of the communist witch hunts and the “lavender scare”, with thousands having their lives ruined because they were alleged to be “communist” or gay? A decade of segregation? Bans on birth control? Back alley abortions? Many other issues, such as teen pregnancy, that were just hidden away. The 50s might have been a nostalgic paradise for protestant male WASPs. But, I’d argue that we have a far more just, moral and inclusive society today.
Tongue in cheek. This is a remarkably different type of humor from what prevails today. I can see how this would go over people’s heads.
Mad Men is still one of the funniest shows on TV. Our friend Jeremy is P***y whipped. God bless him and his generation of men who have lost all self respect.
I travel 80 percent of every month. Fly business or first wherever I go. The amount of women that I have spoken to and been hit on by since 2019 is crazy. I met my wife on a business trip to Australia at a very busy and expensive restaurant. I would not of met her if not for traveling. A lot of these tips will work, women have to put themselves in the place where the men they want are. My daughter is 23, I have told her the same thing. My niece met her husband at the golf club at a golf course after I told her go there on a Saturday and hang out at the bar. Women have to work just as much to meet the man they want especially now, when men will not approach anymore.