President Trump is recommending that American’s should now wear face masks when in public settings like grocery stores. In fact, many states, retailers, airlines and more now recommend if not require face masks or face coverings.
In the early phases of the pandemic, face masks were darn near impossible to find. My wife and I attempted to order some face masks off Amazon but they were already long gone.
I was able to secure some painters/dusk masks which just arrived in about 3 weeks, although for a time these were hard to find. In fact, for a time, many masks were completely unavailable with Amazon prioritizing most of them (including all N95 masks, pictured below) for those on the front lines (as they should).

Fortunately, my family and I have avoided going in public much since this set in. However, the occasional trip to the store still happened and some masks made sense – despite their availability at the time (which was low).

Masks are now more widely available and entire cottage industries are springing up around them. Heck, even Disney now has face masks for sale complete with Baby Yoda. If you want to find one, you probably can, but many DIY folks are making them too.
Because you can find just about anything on YouTube, I started researching how to make your own face masks and discovered the following five videos about doing just that. These videos range from actually sewing a mask (yeah, I won’t be doing that), to using what you have around the house, like a bandana, to non-sew options as well.
Pretty creative stuff, really. I’ve gathered them here for y’all.
PS…I also stumbled across a funny video of some extra creative/bizarre face masks people have been creating (a maxi pad???). That video is at the very end.
Be Safe Out There!
No-Sew Bandanna Face Mask
This clever video shows you how to use that bandanna you have stuffed in your sock drawer and never use. It’s actually pretty clever. And best of all, no-sew!
3 DIY Face Masks with No Sewing Required
This prepper/survivor shows 3 different options for creating a face mask, including using a shirt.
Joann’s Fabric’s Fabric Face mask – sewing
Joann’s Fabrics is the kind of store my mom shops at for patterns and what not. They also post sewing videos and have assembled a surprisingly helpful video on how to create (sew…) a variety of different masks.
How to SEW a Medical Medical Face mask
This video is blowing up on YouTube and you will see why once you watch it. Good stuff here.
Funny Face Mask Compilations
Finally, because I am a dark humorist that relies on humor to survive stressful situations, here’s a lighter look at the various STUPID ways people are solving their mask problem.
Be Safe out there!
Like many of us, you are probably struggling to find your new normal. Perhaps you’ve done that and are simply bored. We’ve got your back. Here’s a ton of recent content that revolves around what’s facing us today, including working from home ideas, what to watch, things to read, and how to avoid boredom. Enjoy.
Affiliate Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. I may also earn commissions from other affiliate programs as applicable.
Another option, if you’re not a DIY-er with clothing is Karen Kane clothier. She is making washable cloth face masks at cost to keep her employees employed—3 masks for $30. And each mask purchased is matched with one donated to a health care worker. Note, I’m not affiliated with Karen Kane or anyone associated with the company and I make nothing from your orders. I just think it’s a good idea to support each other any way we can during these unprecedented times.
Thanks for sharing this!