Home » Woman who refuses to set phone to airplane mode causes entire plane to deboard
It must be a day that ends in "y" because we've had yet another unruly passengers incident. In a video recently shared to TikTok an entire plane full of waiting passengers is forced off the plane because one passenger wouldn't set her phone to airplane mode.

Woman who refuses to set phone to airplane mode causes entire plane to deboard

by Jeremy B

It must be a day that ends in “y” because we’ve had yet another unruly passengers incident. In a video recently shared to TikTok an entire plane full of waiting passengers is forced off the plane because one passenger wouldn’t set her phone to airplane mode.

The incident was partially captured on video by TikTok’r @ashleynhowey, and shows uniformed officers regretfully informing passengers that they’d all have to deplane. Groans echo throughout the plane as passengers howl at the stupidity of this one passenger who refuses to comply.

Later, the video picks up as the non-compliant passenger is escorted out of the gate area as expletives are hurled at her. Not much as is known about the incident although it appears to be a Las Vegas-bound flight possibly out of Chicago. The video was shared to TikTok yesterday. According to the narration in the video removal was related to the passenger in question not putting their phone into airplane mode.

With unruly flight incidents on the rise, the FAA recently shared a new public service announcement made by children advising the grownups to act like grownups. Truer advice has never been uttered. While we don’t know all of the specifics of this incident, the number of stupid, stupid things people are doing on planes continues to confound people. The FAA has recently started doling out substantive fines including a $10k fine for a passenger who refused to wear his mask on the plane.

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E July 10, 2021 - 8:29 am

This story doesn’t make any sense. I have flown many times and have not once seen a flight attendant check phones to make sure they were on airplane mode. Something just doesn’t sound right, How did they know her phone wasn’t on airplane mode? 🤔 I have also flown and forgotten to place phone on airplane mode and realizing it mid flight and Noone said to me “Hey you need to put your phone in airplane mode” when it wasn’t. Once I noticed it wasn’t on airplane mode I freaked myself out and turned it on because I didn’t know if it could interfere with the flight. I guess what I’m saying here is Who made raised the concern of this woman’s phone not being on airplane mode unless someone was violating her privacy by looking over her shoulder not to mention how many others on that flight that may not have had their phones on airplane mode and wasn’t reported. This story doesn’t sound right something is very fishy about this. FAKE NEWS

Wolfie July 16, 2021 - 12:39 pm

Real news, not fake. Ever thought that they used the “airplane mode” FAA regulation as a means of getting an unruly passenger off the flight? From what I’ve heard, she was using her phone (phone call) and refusing to end the call, thus knowing her phone wasn’t in airplane mode (as required) and using that as the reason to have her removed, since she was being uncooperative.

If you want fake news, go listen to Donald’s fake claims.

Kimberly July 21, 2021 - 5:25 pm

As a current airport employee, one of my
jobs is to push the planes back on the tarmac. I am able to hear the pilots do pre flight checks. In them, they double check that airplane mode has been turned on. I am fairly certain there is the capability for one of the planes thousands of sensitive equipment to check to see if airplane mode has been turned on for all electronic devices.

Carver July 13, 2021 - 6:12 pm

Maybe because she was actually talking on it? That would be a big clue!

DC July 17, 2021 - 3:26 pm

I agree and say; throw any/ all off the plane that do not follow the rules. I don’t want to be off the ground with any idiot that thinks their life is more important than mine. Put them all on the no fly list!!!!!


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