Home » Nurse to Gate Agent: “I’m an ER nurse, do you know how many lives you just took?”
A frustrated nurse informs a Delta Airlines gate agent that she may have taken some lives because of an apparent flight delay. "I'm an ER nurse, do you know how many lives you just took?"

Nurse to Gate Agent: “I’m an ER nurse, do you know how many lives you just took?”

by Jeremy B

A frustrated nurse informs a Delta Airlines gate agent that she may have taken some lives because of an apparent flight delay. “I’m an ER nurse, do you know how many lives you just took?”

Put this one in the ever-growing bucket of travel freakouts. Today’s travel freakout entry comes from a Delta Airlines gate where a very frustrated self-proclaimed Emergency Room (ER) nurse lets a gate agent (manager actually) have it over an apparent delay. The video is taken from a distance and so the audio is a bit low, but we see a passenger engaged in a conversation with a Delta rep who introduces herself as the supervisor.

The nurse who appears to also be a veteran – although the audio is so low it’s hard to confirm that 100% – is apparently going to miss her shift because of the flight delay. The passenger asks the employee if she knows how many lives she just took (as if the manager had anything to do with the delay).

After questioning whether the gate agent has done anything for the country (e.g. serve in the military) the nurse finally gets a new gate assignment and storms off with final “F-You” before stomping off in a huff.

Kudos are due to the gate supervisor who maintained her calm and composure throughout – and even stood her ground when the passenger started to curse. Well done, boss.

Watch the full video, shared to TikTok, then Reddit, below.

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1 comment

Greg October 12, 2021 - 10:13 am

Maybe she should do better flight planning to be sure to arrive with tie to spare before going to work. Is she is a veteran, thanks for your service but if you were in the military you should have learned to give yourself plenty of time to complete your mission. Sounds a little bitchy Post trauma syndrome or just being bitchy. This is all part of the pandemic and gate agents are being pounded to near death. Give them a little respect. Passengers have no more or no fewer rights to board than before the pandemic, but many are just being aholes.


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