Frequent flyers rarely get treated to unpleasant airplane seating. Our “status” and knowledge of the systems and processes travelers use almost guarantees we get a decent if not great seat.…
Jeremy B
Jeremy B
Jeremy Ballou is the editor of the and a long-time writer in both the travel and tech industry. Most days he's in thinking about travel or writing about it.
CA Bans Hotel Shampoo, Flight Attendant Training, V-Shaped Planes, Dead Airpods, Delta drops the ball and Must See Homes (Best Travel Articles of the Week)
by Jeremy BHere are the best travel articles of the week: Bans Hotel Shampoo, Flight Attendant Training, V-Shaped Planes, Dead Airpods, Delta Drops the Ball and Must See Homes. Here at the…
Jennifer Garner posts cute video of biz traveler dancing while on airport conf call and we can all relate
by Jeremy BActress Jennifer Garner apparently snuck a cute video of a business traveler stuck on a lengthy conference call at the airport…dancing to pass the time and we can all relate.…