Bored yet? Miss that airplane? Yeah, me too. Some of y’all need to Netflix and chill (and stop buying toilet paper). We are in some weird times right now, that’s for sure and since laughter is often some of the best medicine we’ve thrown together some Coronavirus Memes with a travel angle. Because. That’s. What. We. Do. #Merica.
You need some Coronavirus Memes…we can help with that
Ok, let’s do this. Here are several mostly-travel-related memes about this annoying pandemic. Don’t take yourself or these memes too seriously…k?

This is kind of my favorite one because it hits home. We were planning on visiting London for the first time literally last week. Nope…let’s stay home. <sigh>

There will be no urine drinking on this quarantine, let’s get that straight!

The coronavirus jacked up some travel plans didn’t it? Wow.

One of the first things I saw travelers tweeting about was their precious status. Feels like that may be kind of a low priority right now…?

MFrs still traveling out there.

We’ve kept our virus coverage to a minimum leaving the heavy lifting to the experts and really just dropping some humorous stuff (this article) OR a suggestions on what to do when you can’t travel. That’s about it…


This one makes me laugh because while it does suck that our trips are canceled, it’s not like there’s some important going on right now. So, yes…relax. But feel free to whine a little bit. Just don’t expect too much sympathy.

It’s a little fun to poke at the credit card sellers (heck I sell them…although not that hard and not that many). There is even a cottage industry of other bloggers who hate on credit card bloggers pretty heavily which seems like a bit of an overreaction. Still kinda fun to zing ’em a bit. #justjoking #chillout

This pretty much captures most of our communities right now…

I feel sorry for the flight attendants and other related travel staff. To be working now is kinda sucky, although getting a paycheck is nice too. Still pretty crappy all around.

I’m not mad. Trust me.

It is a bit hard to swallow, but life goes on.

Shocking news…who saw that coming.

Whoa! Pump the brakes there fellow passenger.

Even Keanu is sad because he’s got nowhere to go.

Seriously, who is traveling still. Stop it.

Like I said, stop it. #FlattenTheCurve

I don’t get it…why y’all bent out of shape about this. Literally not the most important thing in the world right now.

There are some pretty good deals right now…and there’s ABOUT to be some amazing deals.
More Memes if you aren’t memed out yet
Thanks and seriously, be safe out there
This was all in good fun! Hope you got a small respite from the chaos that is unfolding before our eyes. Be safe out there!
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