We’ve all been there. Stuck on a plane with an annoying passenger. Maybe it’s a kid kicking your seat. Or a passenger whose snoring matches the jet engine’s sound. Here’s our rant about the 7 Most Annoying Airline Passengers (complete with a travel meme for each one!).
7 Most Annoying Airline Passengers
- The Kid who kicks your seat
- The seat-back-recliner-guy
- The Big Guy on the Plane
- Perfume Lady
- The Lady Who Won’t Shut Up
- Guy looking at porn
- Snoring Passenger
The Kid who kicks your seat
The annoying little twerp whose oblivious, hippy-loving, granola-eating, everyone-gets-a-trophy parents are not interested in applying a single iota of discipline to little Johnny.
Someone please step up and parent this little guy already. Listen, we’ve got no problem with kids crying on planes (no harm no foul they can’t control that), but straight-up turdliness is uncalled for and one of the worst and most annoying airplane passengers of all time!
The Seat Back Recliner Guy
It’s kind of an unwritten travel rule. Don’t lean your sat back (sure, this is debatable). We are all stuck together here in our little sardine can. Stop reclining your seat!
The Big Guy on the Plane
I love how the big guy always picks the seat next to me. What karmic god did I irritate in a past life!? I get it, big fellas need to travel too. But why do they need to sit next to me?
Perfume Lady
The lady who apparently has bathed and deodorized in the entire perfume section of Macy’s decides to sit next to me. #Awesome.
This goes for the dude wearing way too much cologne. I sat next to a guy last week who must have been paid in Calvin Klein cologne instead of salary. Holy. Cow.
I don’t get people who wear insane amounts of perfume in general. Do you really smell that bad? But, when you decide to go that route and then jump into an aluminum tube with me for 3 hours…you go straight to the top of the most annoying airline passengers list.
Lady Who Won’t Shut Up
I think it’s great when the old lady next to me wants to talk the entire flight between Boston and San Francisco. I would love to see every picture ever taken of your grandchildren…
Actually, I’ve met some nice people this way, but sometimes you just want to watch Better Call Saul and be left alone.
Guy looking at porn
There’s always one guy. One creep who simply can’t wait until he gets to the hotel to look at porn. For the love of God, man. You might need some help. Instead of being one of the world’s most annoying airline passengers you are just the grossest.
Snoring Passenger
Who can sleep on planes anyway? It seems like the few that can are always loud snorers. And sitting near me. For a 4-hour flight. Can’t. Get. Enough. Of. It.
Check out all of our travel memes here
Who are your most annoying airline passengers?
Join the conversation! Leave us a comment, post an airplane meme or tweet us @CBoardingGroup. What are the most annoying airline passengers you’ve run into before? We’d love to hear from you!

I agree with this but notice how #2 and #3 are partially the faults of the airline. Take away the legroom but still allow full recline? At least Spirit and some others have this figured out to some degree. The big guy on a plane would not seem so bad if the seats hadn’t been made too small. It would be like having a family of 7 and saying that a ford focus should be about the right size for our family travels. I guess that same person would also recline the car seats into the backseat passengers and then tell them “well I paid for this seat so deal with it”.
Fully agree w #4. Also smelly food on plane and some would say heavy drinkers.
LOL..for SURE heavy drinkers. Good call!
I agree with all of them. Thank god for corona – less travellers. One type of traveller I also hate is a wanna-be-journalists-trying-to-be-witty who write BS articles like this for trolls to agree on. Take a freaking private jet or just dont fly.