The small country of Maldives recently topped an unglamorous list. According to a recent survey, it was the most popular honeymoon destination for marriages that eventually ended in divorce.
Gambling site Compare Bet surveyed around 3,000 divorced couples about their chosen honeymoon location and the results were surprising. Approximately 20% of all divorcees had honeymooned in the small country of Maldives, followed by Morocco at 17%.

Maldives, of course, is a small island in the Arabian Sea, off the coast of India. Its population is just over 500,000 making it one of the smallest Asian countries.
It also features overwater bungalows that are most often associated with Bora Bora and are super romantic (or at least that’s what the “influencers” would have you believe. According to Honeymoon Always, the Maldives is generally the more affordable alternative to Bora Bora (strike 1 on the marriage…picking the cheaper honeymoon location???).
Ironically, Bora Bora is 3rd on the list with 13% of those surveyed who’s marriage ended in divorce having spent their honeymoon in that destination. Maybe it’s the bungalows? Hmm…
What was the location with the least divorces? Bangkok, Maui, Napa Valley and Nairobi all reported only 1% of marriages had dissolved after visiting these destinations for their honeymoon. See the full country list below:

Obviously, visiting a specific location for your honeymoon has no meaningful bearing in and of itself on your chances of divorce. It’s far more likely that these couples had other factors in common too. Like they were all a-holes, or liked the Dallas Cowboys. :-). Or the fact that both Bora Bora and the Maldives often make the top 10 lists for honeymoon locations…in other words, they are super popular and so you’d expect more people to visit there…and thus more people to also divorce.
So…go ahead and book your vacation to wherever you want to book it…including the Maldives.
See more about this silly survey here.
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Is this a percentage on an absolute or relative basis? Would assume Maldives has more honeymooners than Nairobi so naturally a higher propensity for divorce.
This is classic statistics..
The sort of people who choose to honeymoon in the Maldives are the sort of people who get divorced.
Easy to say for a happily-married guy who honeymooned in Venezuela.
Maybe isolation is best for couples that have long settled routines, not needing friends and activities to reinforce their relationship.