Remote work is here to stay and along with it are radical changes in how employees and companies coexist. These changes are transformative, fascinating, and sometimes uncomfortable. On more than one occasion they even yield funny results. Indeed, the new workplace normal has arrived and along with it a tribe of opiners, bloviators, sages, and humorists who all wish to share their can’t-miss nugget. Here are the 31 Best Remote Work Quotes.
Specifically you will find:
- Best Remote Work Quotes
- Motivational Remote Work Quotes
- Funny Remote Work Quotes
- Quotes about Remote Work Trends
- Famous Remote Work Quotes
Readers can use these quotes in a variety of ways including research, inspiration, or just to break the monotony of days filled with perpetual Zoom or Teams meetings. Whatever your reason for being here please enjoy our work from home quotes.
PS, some quotes may fall into multiple categories so don’t be alarmed by duplicates.
And just like we all started working remotely

Thanks to the events of the now-infamous year 2020 huge swaths of the global workforce simply started working remotely from their homes. Seemingly overnight.
In 2020, the already ongoing (and slow-moving) journey towards a remote work dominated model “big banged” the rest of its way into existence because it had to.
What is remote work? Let’s clarify what we are talking about. Remote work occasionally goes by another name: Work From Home.
- You might be interested in 17 Tips on actually being a Remote Worker
In the past, this term generally meant an employee would work remotely from their domicile. They’d be classified as a remote employee. Perhaps they were a salesperson who traveled often or in a region. Maybe a field technician working at customer sites instead of a company office. Some might have been staffing call centers.
The point was they were not in an office. They were remote…and often working from home.
Some folks (the minority, no doubt) exploited this work modality and chose to be more of a nomad by working from anywhere. So long as they “got their work done” it didn’t matter where they were. Or they were working in the gig economy which allowed more freedom with regard to location.
“In 2020, the already ongoing (and slow-moving) journey towards a remote work dominated model “big banged” the rest of its way into existence…because it had to.”
This modality of work was generally the exception, not the rule. Until 2020. Now, working in an actual office is the exception and by a long way. Even as the causal agents of 2020 start to finally unwind the effects left in their wake are here to stay.
We aren’t going back.
Office Not Required, Jason Fried (Remote Work Pioneer) – See Price
Remote work is here and it’s here to stay in a big way
Now “working from home” isn’t really as big of a “deal” as it was. Technological advances combined with the practical realities of 2020 now accommodated employees working from anywhere. Remote work isn’t limited to the house or apartment you normally stay in. It could be there, of course, but it could just as easily be an Airbnb you rented in Scottsdale for the month, or in Bali. Or your mom’s house. Or a recreational vehicle.

Old terms like staycation were redefined. New terms like workation entered our vocabulary and none of us are wearing pants – why would you when you are only seen from the waist up on your daily video calls.
Pretty much any internal survey shows resounding approval from employees for work from home / remote work options. And companies are enjoying the benefits too – particularly with the cost-saving benefits on the table through reduced office space costs. CEO’s are salivating.
Prognosticators and “experts” opine on a near daily basis about the longevity of this new paradigm.
Indeed, the work from home / remote work modality is here and everyone has an opinion. What’s not up for debate is that WFH ain’t going anywhere.
Best Remote Work Quotes
Here are the top 10 best remote work quotes.
- “When people are free to choose where in the world they want to work, they simply enjoy their day-to-day work more” – Brian De Haff, CEO of Aha.
- “We like to give people the freedom to work where they want, safe in the knowledge that they have the drive and expertise to perform excellently, whether they are]at their desk or in their kitchen. Yours truly has never worked out of an office, and never will.” – Richard Branson, Founder and Chairman of Virgin
- “One of the secret benefits of using remote workers is that the work itself becomes the yardstick to judge someone’s performance.” – Jason Fried, Author of Office Not Required
- “Remote work is the future of work.” – Alexis Ohanian, Reddit
- “The future we envision for work allows for infinite virtual workspaces that will unlock social and economic opportunities for people regardless of barriers like physical location. It will take time to get there, and we continue to build toward this” – Andrew Bosworth, Facebook
- “The thing that’s been positively surprising to people is that people are more productive working at home than people would have expected. Some people thought that everything was just going to fall apart, and it hasn’t. And a lot of people are actually saying that they’re more productive now” – Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook
- “Suddenly my location was completely irrelevant to my ability to make a living.” Bernard Vukas
- “But even companies, big or small, realize that providing flexible workplace options can be beneficial in more ways than one. Workers who work remotely are found to be more productive, and that in addition to saving on traveling reimbursement, companies have shown to collectively save up to $44 billion in just the year 2015.” – State of Telecommuting
- “Remote workers are happiest when they spend more than 76% of their time working remotely” – State of Remote Working
- “Trust in your employees is essential for remote work success. It also forms the underlying foundation of a great virtual culture.” – Larry English
Motivational Remote Work Quotes
Here are the top motivational remote work quotes:
- “We think, mistakenly, that success is the result of the amount of time we put in at work, instead of the quality of time we put in.” – Ariana Huffington, Huffington Post
- “When people are free to choose where in the world they want to work, they simply enjoy their day-to-day work more” – Brian De Haff, CEO of Aha.
- “So many people think the remote work community is made up of only spoiled, privileged millennials and Instagram influencers, and that’s not who we are. We’re people of all ages, from all countries and all socio-economic classes, and what brings us together is our shared mindset that we want to do something different and have adventures sooner, rather than later in life.” Spencer Jentzch, Hacker Paradise
- “The old rules of what makes a great team still apply, whether you’re a remote team or not. You can’t build a culture if you don’t have trust, accountability, and mutual respect. The best way to kill a culture is to stop trusting people and stop giving people the respect and the responsibilities they most likely want in their jobs.” Tracey Halverson, Fastspot
- “To successfully work with other people, you have to trust each other. A big part of this is trusting people to get their work done wherever they are, without supervision” – Richard Branson
- “Most anyone can learn to be a great virtual employee. The top skills to learn are setting healthy boundaries between your work life and personal life and building relationships virtually.” – Larry English
Funny Remote Work Quotes
Working from home can be a little nutty at times. Barking dogs, delivery drivers and squabbling toddlers. Don’t forget about the never-ending parade of Zoom meetings. A little humor is the only we can get by sometimes. Here are the funniest work from home quotes:
- “Fuck it, I am not wearing pants today” – Anyone who’s ever worked from home
- “When you work from home a Tuesday pretty much looks like a Saturday” – Funny Eye for a Corporate Guy
- “You’re on mute, Brian” – literally every Zoom call attendee
- “Oh, look at that. Turns out my job could be done from home…and I am more productive.” – Every employee who’d been secretly wanting to work from home but couldn’t because their company thought the job couldn’t be done effectively at home
- “Dressing for work now can be so stressful. Monday: black yoga pants. Tuesday: blue yoga pants. Wednesday: blue yoga pants. Thursday: blue yog…er, I should wash these.” – teachers now working from home
See our funniest work from home / remote work memes here.
Quotes about Remote Work Trends
Here are the best quotes about the future of remote work.
- “If working remotely is such a great idea, why isn’t everyone doing it? I think it’s because we’ve been bred on the idea that work happens from 9 to 5, in offices and cubicles. It’s no wonder that most who are employed inside that model haven’t considered other options, or resist the idea that it could be any different. But it can.” – Jason Fried
- “An equally amazing observation is…that as we’ve moved to virtual work, we haven’t just coped, we’ve actually thrived. We are more focused on the things that have the greatest impact for our customers, associates and the business. We are making quicker decisions and acting. Meetings are now more inclusive of people regardless of location, level or other differences. We have great momentum and need to figure out how to carry it forward.” – Suresh Kumar, Walmart
- “We can get talent anywhere. There’s a lot of folks out there that do not want to move to San Francisco. They feel comfortable working in a much smaller office or just home.” – Jack Dorsey, Twitter
- “World-class people will move to smaller cities. These regions must innovate quickly to attract that wealth. Better schools, faster internet connections are a must.” Chris Herd, CEO of Firstbase
- “The future we envision for work allows for infinite virtual workspaces that will unlock social and economic opportunities for people regardless of barriers like physical location. It will take time to get there, and we continue to build toward this” – Andrew Bosworth, Facebook
- “I can’t tell you the number of CEOs I talked to who are thinking, I have to solve the diversity challenge in my business, and remote work is one of the key tools…we have to let go of this very office-centric culture and incorporate people who are in a lot of geographies.” – Hayden Brown, CEO of UpWork
Famous Remote Work Quotes

Here are most famous remote work quotes.
- “It is amazing to see how well the work from home (WFH) culture has worked and I hope will continue even after the pandemic is over. But once this pandemic ends, we will rethink what percentage of time we spend in offices… 20, 30, 50 percent. Lots of companies will expect their employees to spend well below 50 percent of their time in offices and maybe the rest of the companies will go the normal way.” – Bill Gates
- “Technology now allows people to connect anytime, anywhere, to anyone in the world, from almost any device. This is dramatically changing the way people work, facilitating 24/7 collaboration with colleagues who are dispersed across time zones, countries, and continents.” – Michael Dell, Dell Technologies CEO
- “One of the secret benefits of using remote workers is that the work itself becomes the yardstick to judge someone’s performance.” – Jason Fried, Author of Office Not Required
- “To start building your remote culture, establish and share some basic rules. The first and most important rule is mutual trust between the company and its workers. The rules after that? As few as possible. Tell your employees they will be treated like adults with the flexibility to get the job done however is best for them”- Larry English
- “When you can’t see someone all day long, the only thing you have to evaluate is the work. A lot of the petty evaluation stats just melt away. Criteria like “Was she here at 9?” or “Did she take too many breaks today?” or “Man, every time I walk by his desk he’s got Facebook up” aren’t even possible to tally. Talk about a blessing in disguise. What you’re left with is “what did this person actually do today? – Jason Fried
Thanks for stopping by and, hey, by the way, you’re late for your next Zoom meeting
The truth is working from home has more pros than cons and we are glad it’s here to stay. Good luck out there! Happy Zooming and don’t forget to wash your yoga pants.
Be sure to check out some of our other great WFH / Remote Work content including:
- Stay a remote worker permanently
- Virtual Meeting Etiquette Tips
- Avoid WFH Burnout!
- How to upgrade your home office for $50
What’s your favorite work from home quote / or remote work quote? Drop us a comment below or tweet us.
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1 comment
Of course remote working is considered the future way of work culture. Indeed I am enjoying working remotely, but as we know it has some disadvantages like extended working hours, less socialization and more isolation, procrastination etc.
I read the article I really enjoyed it. These tips are very useful and I will surely implement in my daily work.
Thanks for sharing!