Home » This NYC Airport Freakout about Race is “the most New York thing ever”
Two passengers at a New York area airport engage in a complex and heated conversation about racism while waiting for their baggage to arrive. It is, of course, another installment in the most pervasive travel trend sweeping across America: the travel freakout.

This NYC Airport Freakout about Race is “the most New York thing ever”

by Jeremy B

Two passengers at a New York area airport engage in a complex and heated conversation about racism while waiting for their baggage to arrive. It is, of course, another installment in the most pervasive travel trend sweeping across America: the travel freakout. <sigh>

First off, these passengers made a critical mistake: they checked their bags and as regular readers of the CBoardingGroup know, that’s a no-no in our book. More important than their egregious travel mistake though is that these two travelers appear to be engaged in some sort of dispute about race relations.

The video which was initially shared to TikTok, then to Reddit, shows two women yelling at each other, masks down, across the baggage disspenser at a local NYC airport. Their topic de jeur? Race relations, Native Americans, and Ancestry. The argument stays pretty mild – at least in the sense that no blows are thrown and only an F-bomb or two.

The video ends with the most accurate statement of the day though by a fellow male passenger: “No one wants to hear this ****, this is the most New York thing ever.” Indeed, he is right on both fronts. We salute you, Captain Obvious.

PS, this video shows us all, once again, why it’s a stupid idea to check your bag. Happy Friday all….<sigh>

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