Home » Travel Tip Tuesday #34 – Why frequent travelers should drop everything and buy a laptop screen protector
Why frequent travelers should drop everything and buy a laptop screen protector

Travel Tip Tuesday #34 – Why frequent travelers should drop everything and buy a laptop screen protector

by Jeremy B

If I tried to count on one hand the number of times I’ve observed fellow passengers working on the plane on some important slide deck or updating a spreadsheet I’d need about 47 hands. Data privacy is absolutely critical in today’s day and age.

Yet, time after time travelers fire up their laptop and peck away at some critical work task all the while letting fellow passengers observe internal information, corporate data, strategies and more.

But not me.

This week’s Travel Tip Tuesday is focused on the importance of using a laptop screen protector when traveling for work (or in any public place for that matter).

For the month of September we are focusing on Traveler Safety. Each Tuesday we will do a deep dive into some element related to traveling safer for work (or pleasure for that matter). Be sure to read all of the preceding Travel Tip Tuesday’s here. 

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Travel Tip Tuesday #34 – Laptop Screen Privacy Protectors – a must have

As I noted in the introduction I am not counted in the endless list of travelers carelessly exposing important information while traveling. That’s because I have invested in a laptop screen protector.

This incredibly affordable, yet critical, business traveler gadget is a must-have for anyone who travels for work. The way a privacy screen protector works is by obscuring sight from any angle except directly on. B&H explains it this way:

“Privacy filters are polarized sheets of plastic that are placed over a computer screen to prevent screen visibility from any angle other than straight on.”

In other words, this simple technological marvel helps protect your laptop from prying eyes.

How to buy a screen protector

When considering a laptop privacy protector you really only need to consider one meaningful factor: size.

Laptop privacy protectors come in different sizes designed to match your laptop’s screen size (e.g. 14″ or 15″ etc). Here are a few popular choices:

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Here is some practical Travel Gear to make your next trip safer:


Thanks for reading this week

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Travel Tip Tuesday #34 - Why frequent travelers should drop everything and get a laptop screen protector

Why frequent travelers should drop everything and get a new laptop screen protector

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