What do travel bloggers want? We want traffic, right? Ok, besides traffic…what are the best gifts for travel bloggers? Here are 7 Amazing Practical Gifts for Travel Bloggers.
So, whether it’s Christmas or Valentines Day or even a Birthday, here are some great and practical gift ideas for travel bloggers.
Life of a Travel Blogger
Before I share our fun list of gifts for travel bloggers, let’s do a super quick dive into the life of a travel blogger.
By way of intro, I run a business travel blog. My blog focuses a bit more on the life of the business traveler, the gory details, the darkside of work travel, etc, and provides travel tips and travel hacks on how to get better at business travel.

Photo by Skitterphoto on Pexels.com
Admittedly, a lot of this advice applies to regular travelers too (like Never Check a Bag – the #1 Travel Hack of All Time!). But, my focus is on the business crew.
I also occasionally write about blogging itself, and share some of the blog tips I’ve picked up along the way. Like Writer’s Block Cures – 8 Tips to Get Writing Again, or Travel Blog Tips: 6 Ways for Travel Bloggers to Drive More Blog Traffic. or my favorite, soul baring (and slightly embarrassing piece): Blogging for Beginners – The 9 Biggest Blogging Mistakes I Made When Starting a Blog.
I even do some funny blogging memes from time to time. Go check these out, seriously. You will get a total kick…then come back and check our 7 Practical Gifts for Travel Bloggers.
My experience as a business travel blogger really resolves around me flying to exotic locations like Bismark, ND, then driving to Minot, ND, and then writing about it in a older Hampton Inn at night because I can’t fall asleep because of Jet Lag.
Yes, I know, it sounds amazing, right?? I even do some funny travel memes documenting this silly life of a travel blogger:
I am not one of those “here’s my shirtless photo of my and my wife in Fiji on a beach in a posed photo holding a baby shark” kinda travel bloggers. Yeah…not so much.

This is literally the only shirtless selfie photo on my travel blog…and it’s not even me! HA! (Photo by rawpixel.com on Pexels.com)
And like any Travel Blogger (biz or otherwise), I not only enjoy to write (I really do!) I also like to make a few shekels on the side.
This leads me to my motivation behind the gifts for travel bloggers…it’s basically stuff I want, but haven’t bought yet, to make my blog better! There’s no drone w/ camera for traveling or selfie stick silliness on my list.
Nope, it’s more like I want a subscription to Canva so I don’t have to use the free version anymore. That’s why I’ve entitled this little article the 7 Practical Gifts for Travel Bloggers! DUH! I’ve also added a few things that will make my life as a business traveler a little easier (thus giving me more to write about!).
Ok, enough blah blah, let’s get to the list of these Gifts for Travel Bloggers.
Pssst…I hope my wife reads this!
Gifts for Travel Bloggers
Here they are in all of their practical and mundane glory.
Gifts for Travel Bloggers #1: Annual Canva Subscription
I love Canva. I mean I really love it. I use the free version to create all of the graphics for my blog and for my Pinterest account. It’s so easy to use. Has a ton of free graphics, etc, but I am getting to the point where I’d love to spring for the full paid version.
It’s pretty cheap too…less than $10.00 a month!
Gifts for Travel Bloggers #2: Annual Tailwind Subscription
This is my #1 Gift Request. Probably should have put it first. I don’t even get an affiliate link credit here if you click on this link..because, well, I don’t have a current subscription.
I did use the trial version of Tailwind until it maxed out and I loved it. The ability to autoschedule pins in bulk was amazing. The analytics was super helpful, but the Tribes feature is where the real money is.
If you’re listening, honey, Tailwind…Tailwind…Tailwind…that’s the gift this travel blogger wants for any occasion!
Gifts for Travel Bloggers #3: Latest Copy of On Writing Well, by William Zinsser
This book changed my writing life. Simple, easy to understand suggestions on how improve your writing.
But I have an older version. And I cant’ find it (we moved…ugh!) I want the latest one!
Gifts for Travel Bloggers #4: A Subscription to Moz
Moz is a great company that focuses on Search Engine Optimization. They provide some really powerful tools that help travel bloggers target the right keywords, determine their current SEO rankings and status and so much more.
Some of their stuff is free – like the Moz Link Explorer, but the real meat of their solution is behind a pay wall (which is where it should be it’s so good).
It is literally one of the most practical gifts you could give a travel blogger. It’s also a bit pricey…
Gifts for Travel Bloggers #5: Stuff to read…
I love to read. I mean LOVE to read. And because I sit on planes a tremendous amount of time, I have TIME to read. A great gift for a travel blogger is something to read.
Maybe it’s something for the Kindle Paperwhite.
Or maybe something from Amazon’s best seller list.
Or maybe something from my 47 Best Travel Books of All Time list…
Just feed my reading habit. Every good travel blogger reads a ton and this blogger is no exception!
Gifts for Travel Bloggers #6: Self Hosted Word Press Site on Hostgator
Most bloggers love WordPress, but they don’t like the hosting fees. There are many alternatives including self hosting on places like Hostgator. This may just be the perfect gift for a travel blogger.
Gifts for Travel Bloggers #7: New Ogio Metro Backpack
I am on my 2nd Ogio Backpack…and they are amazing. Lifetime customer here. 100% sold. But nothing lasts forever. And while mine probably could go another year, it’s getting a little beat up.
A new one would be swell!
PS…you can check out my product review of the Ogio Metro Backpack here.
Bonus Gifts for Travel Bloggers
In case you needed an 8th gift…how about some headphones:
My FX-Viktaria’s, pictured above, broke on my last trip (my stupid fault), and I want a new pair of over-the-ear headphones. I will take the Beats Studio 3 Wireless Headphones…but I doubt anyone wants to spend that kind of cash on me!
BTW…you can read my product review of the FX-Viktaria’s here. But score me some Beats, please!
This travel blogger needs (ok, wants) some new headphones so I can follow my own travel blogs advice and catch up on Better Call Saul!
Final Thoughts on Gifts for Travel Bloggers
Great list, huh!? No selfie sticks or Neck Pillows on this list! And you can keep your hammock to hang between two Palm Trees for your posed photo in Fiji! #HardPass.
Nope. Just some real practical, useful crap a travel blogger could actually use to grow their blog (and be a little more comfortable while they travel).
What’s your favorite travel blogger gifts? Join the conversation and leave us a comment or follow us on social media including Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.
Oh yeah…speaking of travel gifts…I highly suggest you check out my gift guide for travelers…a collection of suggestions for people who travel – including business travelers.
By the way, if you are interested in more travel tips and travel advice, you might be like these great articles:
- 147 Business Travel Tips – the ultimate list of road warrior tips & tricks
- 31 Amazing Hotel Hacks Travel Pros Use all the Time
- Best Gifts for Business Travelers – The 2019 Gift Guide for Road Warriors
- 9 Healthy Travel Snacks – eat smarter on the road
- Ultimate Bitcoin Travel Directory: How and where to use crypto for travel
- 11 Best Hotel Beds – Where to Buy that Hotel Mattress You Loved!
- The 7 Habits of the Healthy Business Traveler: How to Stay Healthy While Traveling for Business
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