Kids and parents both want out of the house. After weeks of being cooped up inside everyone is ready to get out and play and the backyard scavenger hunt for kids is the one game everyone is after. Here is our list of free scavenger hunts for kids outside!
Have you and your family been stuck inside for what seems like eons? The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many families indoors as they seek to avoid exposing themselves and others to the coronavirus.
Plans have been canceled, vacations put on hold, birthdays done virtual (or by drive by parade). Endless Zoom meetings, binge-watch marathons, and living room camp outs.
This has defined the a good portion of 2020 so far.
And the kids are done, right?
Heck, YOU are done (it’s cool, you can admit it).
They need outside. You want them outside. But what to do? Sure, they run around and burn off steam — and that’s fun. Maybe you are lucky and have a pool or a trampoline. Or maybe your kids have wild imaginations — no inspiration needed from mom or dad.
Or…maybe they are now bored and need a kick in the butt. Why not try a scavenger hunt for kids outside? The scavenger hunt is one of the simplest and most affordable ways to get outside AND have some fun.
It costs you essentially nothing and you can mix it up a bit. Heck, you can even do a virtual scavenger hunt where your kids compete against their friends and cousins in a scavenger hunt at each other’s respective houses.
How to do a Scavenger Hunt for Kids Outside

The rules of an outdoor scavenger hunt are pretty simple.
- Build your scavenger hunt list by printing off one of our lists, below
- Ensure your backyard has the items on the list…and enough of them for the number of kids participating in the hunt
- If necessary, hide or place items in the backyard. Adjust difficulty based on kid’s ages
- Print out a list for each child and give them a crayon or marker
- Set a time limit for the hunt using your phone or a watch
- Turn ’em loose
- Put YOUR feet up, start sipping that iced tea!
Each child must bring back the items on the list. If necessary, give them a small bag to place items in, or if they’d prefer they can create a small stack of items near you.
You are the judge…your word is law…so if they didn’t meet the spirit of the item on the list, ruthlessly turn them away!
Don’t forget to have fun!
Free Backyard Scavenger Hunt Printables
We’ve assembled a list of several free backyard scavenger hunt printables below. Feel free to print them off and have the kids start looking.
You will note that the list of items on each scavenger hunt includes things generally found in most backyards or things that can easily be added to a backyard with little to no time or cost. In other words, we’ve made it easy on you.
Each backyard scavenger hunt has a few blank spots on it for you to write your own items on if you want.
We’ve also provided a few completely blank lists in the event you want to go full tiger mom on this scavenger hunt.
Happy hunting!

Download PDF versions of all backyard scavenger hunt lists here.
Check out all of our backyard summer activity guides
This summer may consist of us all going a whole lot of nowhere. To that end, the staycation is back and in full effect! In particular, the backyard staycation is where a lot of us will spend our summer. Here’s a few other ideas to help you survive the long hot summer:
Thanks and be safe out there this summer and enjoy your scavenger hunt for kids outside
Like many of us, you are probably struggling to find your new normal. Perhaps you’ve done that and are simply bored. We’ve got your back. Here’s a ton of recent content that revolves around what’s facing us today, including working from home ideas, what to watch, things to read, and how to avoid boredom. Enjoy.