Home » This work from home gadget has changed the game for me
Working from home is our new reality. And thank goodness, right? While some of us are better at it than others, one simple work from home gadget has literally changed the game for me. In a big way.

This work from home gadget has changed the game for me

by Jeremy B

Working from home is our new reality. And thank goodness, right? While some of us are better at it than others, one simple work from home gadget has literally changed the game for me. In a big way.

Like you, I’ve been working from home for a few years now. Thanks to “pandy” we are all pretty much working from home…permanently. Now, with it mostly in our rearview mirror, it’s here to stay. Thank goodness.

While I do have a dedicated office space it wasn’t really designed for extended use. An hour or two at a time maybe, but not continuous 8 to 10 hour days like is now the norm for me (and for many of you).

In particular, my desk and chair situation are not ideal for extended use. My desk is a cheapo and it’s a bit narrow. My desk at work is a big L-shaped desk with plenty of room for my forearms to rest while typing.

As I type this right now, my forearms are resting on the sharp-ish edge of my narrow home office desk. In fact, with my keyboard and monitor perched on my desk, my elbows hang off the desk several inches. For short use, you really don’t even notice it, but for ongoing sustained use, it’s brutal. Agonizing at times. I also have the early stages of carpal tunnel syndrome and in particular, my right arm (aka my “mouse hand”) is highly susceptible to serious aches and pains.

Instead of buying a larger desk (not really an option for me), I found something else. I’ve been researching work from home accessories and I found the perfect work from home gadget and it has literally changed the game for me.

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SZYAN Adjustable Arm Rest for your desk (see price)

The SYZAN adjustable armrest, pictured below, easily mounts on your desk and provides a soft sturdy place to rest your arms. It articulates so you can adjust it to your desired setting. Game changer for me. If you struggle with the same issues I have been fighting, this might be the trick for you.

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Good luck out there and try to make the best of this situation we are all in. PS…you might be interested in the following work from home pieces we’ve recently covered:

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