Home » Travel Tip Tuesday #16: Always Workout Before Dinner (Healthy Travel Tips)
Travel Tip Tuesday #16_ Always Workout Before Dinner Healthy Travel Tips

Travel Tip Tuesday #16: Always Workout Before Dinner (Healthy Travel Tips)

by Jeremy B

Welcome to May! In this month’s travel tip Tuesday posts we are focusing on healthy travel tips. Each Tuesday this month we will share an interesting health-related travel tip.

Our first travel tip of the month is related to working out while on the road: Try to workout  before dinner!

You can read all of the preceding Travel Tip Tuesday’s here.

Travel Tip Tuesday: Always workout before dinner!

photo of woman working out using gym equipment inside gym

Photo by Leon Martinez on Pexels.com

It’s hard to stay healthy when traveling. Different time zones, jet lag, eating out, plus the excitement of traveling (or drollness of yet another work trip…). But, staying healthy is so important. The calories can easily add up. And the workouts can slides…

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It’s tempting to skip your workout under the auspices of feeling too tired or whatever.

But don’t. You can’t. Staying healthy requires consistent effort on your part and it requires regular workouts.

One trick I’ve used over the years is to make sure that I workout BEFORE I eat dinner.

Always workout before dinner!

Here’s why this trick pays off in spades. Let’s be honest here. You are likely going to have an adult beverage with your dinner. Maybe even a dessert. You are already in a different time zone, so your body is out of sorts.

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Working out in the morning is already hard enough (especially if you travel for work). Working out after you eat dinner…? Not. Going. To. Happen.

I guarantee you simply won’t do it. The food & alcohol will be digesting. You will be a little more tired. And, you won’t want to work out. You will want to crawl into your hotel bed…

selective focus photo of yawning cat

Photo by Marie Lemaistre on Pexels.com

But, if you force yourself to workout BEFORE you eat – even just a small workout, you are far more likely to actually do the workout. And it will be a better workout.

The interesting side benefit of working out before dinner when traveling is that it will likely cause you to eat a little less too when you finally do sit down for dinner.

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When I am traveling for work I now make a point of working out before dinner. I even tell my customer or employees that I will push dinner a little bit so I can get a quick workout in. They are almost always more than ok with it.

So, if you want to get started on the right track for staying healthy while you travel start employing this travel tip!


Speaking of healthy travel, I’d encourage you check out these other articles we’ve written about healthy travel:


Thanks for tuning in to Travel Tip Tuesday again

Thanks for tuning in this week! Please check back each Tuesday for a new travel tip. As noted in the intro we are focusing on healthy travel this month.

By the way, we’d love it if you’d follow us on social media including Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. Or, join the conversation and leave us a comment below, too. We love comments.

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Travel Tip Tuesday #16_ Always Workout Before Dinner (Healthy Travel Tips)

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