Home » Travel Tip Tuesday #18: Something is better than nothing (when trying to stay healthier while traveling)
Something is better than nothing (when trying to stay healthy while traveling Travel Tip Tuesday 18

Travel Tip Tuesday #18: Something is better than nothing (when trying to stay healthier while traveling)

by Jeremy B

We humans have a tendency to beat ourselves up – mentally and emotionally, I mean and especially when it comes to staying healthy while traveling. This week’s Travel Tip Tuesday tip is all about the small wins (and not getting too down on yourself).

Did you know we are focusing on healthy travel tips this month? Yep. For the entire month of May we are providing healthy travel tips in our weekly Travel Tip Tuesday series! So far, we have touched on the importance of working out – and specifically, working out before dinner and The Importance of Staying Hydrated while traveling!

You can read all of the preceding Travel Tip Tuesday’s here.

It doesn’t have to be perfect every time

When traveling, sometimes all you can get in is a few calisthenics before you have to get to that customer breakfast meeting or your next flight. That’s ok.

Something is better than nothing.

Even if it’s just a few push ups, or 10 minutes on the elliptical instead of your normal 20, it’s something. And something is better than nothing!

Sometimes all I can get in is a few stretches in the morning, a few push ups in the evening and maybe some yoga and that’s it. But I know I at least did something. I will strive harder the next day, but at least I did something, today!

I don’t beat myself up over it. The key is to make sure you get something! Of course, don’t get complacent because that can be a slippery slope. Continue to make time to stay healthy. To exercise. To eat right.

But also, recognize that sometimes you can’t get in a 45 minute run and maybe 10 minutes on the hotel treadmill is going to have to be ok.


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Check out all of our Healthy Travel Tips and Articles

Since you stopped in, I’d encourage you check out these other articles we’ve written about healthy travel:


Thanks for tuning in to Travel Tip Tuesday again

Thanks for tuning in this week! Please check back each Tuesday for a new travel tip. As noted in the intro we are focusing heavily on healthy travel this month.

By the way, we’d love it if you’d follow us on social media including Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. Or, join the conversation and leave us a comment below, too. We love comments.

For readers interested in more travel tips and travel advice, you might be like these great articles:

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Tip Tuesday #18_ Something is Better Than Nothing (Healthy Travel Tips)

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Katie May 22, 2019 - 9:51 am

On days that I am flying, I walk the airport instead of sitting around before my flight. It gets some activity in before I sit on a plane all day, and it’s good people watching!

The C Boarding Group May 22, 2019 - 10:08 am

I love this! So smart.


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